Installing HTTP Based Server Manager (WEBmin)


Written by Greg King Sunday, 05 September 2010 13:37

WEBMIN is an http based server management utility.  It allows you to manage your server configuration without having to know which file to edit or how to edit it.  This document focuses on how to install it, not how to use it.  For that, you need to do web searches and experiment around.

Ok, first we will make sure our ports database is up to date using the portsnap utility.

# portsnap fetch update

then we will install the file

# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/webmin
# make install clean

now we will ensure it is started at boot time

# echo 'named_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

Now we need to configure the server.

# /usr/local/lib/webmin/

You will probably have to restart your system to get it to work.  Once rebooted, open up a webbrowser and navigate to your webmin server using your server's dns name and the port you specified during configuration.  You do not need to configure your webserver as WEBMIN uses it's own.

You should get a dialogue box to log in.

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